by Stefan Iordache
Category: Social Sciences
Abstract – Background: Excessive technology use in youth has been related to poor brain development. This literature study looks at the connection between digital media use and brain development in children and teenagers. Methods: Medical journals were analyzed in order to gather data for a systematic review. PUBMED and JSTOR were utilized to perform the searches. The abstracts and titles of the papers were inspected first, followed by the remainder of the paper. Full texts were examined and processed, and information was retrieved for use in the study. Results: Overall, the published data showed a strong link between digital media use in youth and poor white-matter tract integrity, especially in the Broca (speech production) and Wernicke (language development) areas of the brain (Korte, 2020). The white matter tract integrity of the brain is a universal trait, and the difference in integrity can help explain the mind's processing speed. Contrastingly, technology cannot be labeled as only having negative effects. With moderate use and consideration, digital media can be a way to expand one’s knowledge. There are many opportunities to learn and grow with technology if the correct mindset is established. For now, there is not one set answer on the effects of digital media use. Extensive use will negatively impact youth health and brain development, nevertheless, benefits arise with moderate use. When more studies will become available, providing measurable accurate data on digital media utilization, progress can be made in ascertaining how to reap the benefits of the digital informative technology.